Laugh Out Loud- because you deserve it

Today in the spirit of April fool day thought it would be relevant to talk about importance of humour in our day to day life.

Sometime in the obstacle course of life every little stress and challenge feels like it means a world, for eg we miss our bus, a weird charge shows up on our phone bill, our boss puts in a project on our already overloaded plate, we spill the blotch of hot sauce on our favourite pants, our frustration simmers and our day is ruined.

Often we miss out on opportunity to enjoy LIFE because we take things all so seriously…

Everything becomes matter of life and death, but if we can step back and create a space between Ourselves and what’s happening , its possible to find some humour in it all…

Many years ago I worked in a busy restaurant in UK as part time server to support my masters education, the dinning room manager Melissa remained upbeat even during stressful dinner rushes while we were loosing our steam..Remember Guys as she would say as we servers ran around frantically to take care of not so polite customers in a frenzy…” we are just serving food, this aint the United Nations…”

It reminded me that OK that the place is crowded with cranky customers and I am feeling overwhelmed…BUT…

why take things so seriously…what the point if I can’t find enjoyment in it all…sometimes we need a reminder that life is precious and fleeting..that there are limitless things we should be grateful for and that this too shall pass. That there are people in this world at this very moment who are enduring hardships far worse.

With this perspective shift there is always an opportunity to discover a lightness in our heart, a chance to untie that knot in our forehead and laugh it all…

instead of being bounced around by life WE BOUNCE WITH IT…

Approaching life with a sense of light heartedness is like wearing an ARMOUR..where we don’t allow snags and glitches of life to simply drag us down with them …In the words of Ramdas “Cosmic humour especially about our own predicament is an important part of our own journey”

So next time when you face such issues…see if you can step back and find the lighter side of it and laugh at your self or the situation…

Happy April fool day – its ok to be foolish at times 🙂